“The weight of what has happened here is too much for any one of us to bear alone. The only way we can live with it is to carry it together.”
~ Jamie, Outlander ~
You Can't Make This St*ry Up Retreats
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In these quarterly 3-day retreats, we use the power of Story, Writing, and Community to uncover and rewrite the st*ries that are holding us back.
It’s basically a magical slumber party with new besties, an epic feelings corner, and moments that will leave you forever changed.
Here’s a sneak peek at some of the retreats that have already empowered individuals from all walks of life to write better chapters for themselves and their loved ones, workplaces, communities, and industries.
Time & Destiny
Perception-jarring, time-traveling, memory-shuffling stories not only guarantee a few evenings of being on the edge of your seats with some new besties, but they create a powerful platform for us to help you see your story from a whole new perspective and maybe even travel back to moments in which you can reclaim your power to discover and unfold your destiny instead of continuing to fall victim to fate.
Contracts & Consent
Dystopian future, past, or maybe even present day stories will probably inspire a gasp or a grasp (or both), but they will also give us one of the most powerful means to uncover and rewrite the unconscious agreements that are holding your personal narrative (and our collective narrative) of disconnection, dysfunction, and disempowerment in place.
Responsibility & Power
Middle worlds and mythical creature stories will not only tap your DNA for all of its innate wisdom, but they will challenge you to explore and release the unnecessary burdens you carry and maybe even ignite even more DNA potential with a new adventure your heart has been craving.
What Participants are Saying

“Retreat” is not necessarily the right word to describe the experience of such an enchanted encounter with yourself, and others, as this.
It’s true, you do re-treat from your usual busy life, but more importantly, you enter a sacred space filled with meditation, study, reflection, prayer, grounding, and breakthrough discoveries under the skilled guidance of a brand and content oracle (story junkie, guide, and ally extraordinaire that Amanda Johnson is!) all while cocooned by the unmatched support of fellow seekers and storytellers.
Rather than telling you how much I loved the From Contract to Consent retreat, or what I found uncomfortable, or attempting to pen the myriad of magical ahas that unfolded for me (and for the whole room!), I’ll just say that if it’s time for next level YOU (2.0 or 3.0 versions), then you really need to experience this indescribable encounter firsthand to gain a true understanding of its depth. Only then will you understand why “retreat” is not sufficient to really describe what happens at the soul and cellular level during the re-authoring of one’s prior contracts with self.
And don’t worry. While it’s not a Bonbon’s-and-Mai Tai’s-on-the-warm-beach getaway, there will be plenty of chocolate and a time or two to kick your feet up while you are able to focus on you, as growth and healing of inner wisdom, love, joy, and friendship propel you forward to becoming your best self.

"Immersing myself in a safe space of time-traveling, I enjoyed being nestled in a cocoon of beautiful heroes and heroines reflecting, reviewing, and revisiting our life stories with all of their tragedies and triumphs. Speaking our stories of truth out loud within a safe circle of co-journeyers shone light on those places that had been extinguished within, empowering each one of us to reestablish our true selves and see with a new perspective, which provided the pathway forward to a new frontier of freedom and focus. I walked away from that retreat feeling connected to myself and deeply supported, enabling me to dive headlong into the process of sharing my story with others and keeping my promise."

"I am so grateful for the safe circle that Amanda facilitated for my retreat breakthrough. She provided a beautiful place to stay and a remarkable group of brilliant souls to witness my story. Through her questions and guidance, I was able to work though and heal from some life traumas, ultimately seeing so much value in my own story. The whole community surrounded me with love and encouragement, allowing for some tremendous personal growth. I am a better person because of this connection and the retreat experience."