“A brand isn’t something you earn, it’s something you live up to.”
~ John Dutton, Yellowstone ~
Books change lives. Brands change the world.

If you publish an absolutely epic, life-changing book
—and we know that’s your plan—
your readers are going to want more…
more powerful content and other opportunities
to engage and embody the ideas,
or even unpack the stories yours brought up for them.
This might be mean you develop an Author Brand,
and keep delivering delicious content and maybe even products
to their inbox, mailbox, or favorite online store…
Author Brands

…or perhaps you feel called to create (or expand) an Expert Brand,
and become a paid Speaker, Coach, and/or Consultant.
Expert Brands

Expert Brands

Oooo yeah, we see you getting wiggly over there.
It’s okay.
That’s why we do this—to turn the wiggles into happy giggles.
Imagine designing a brand that delights your audience (and you) and delivers exactly (and only) what you want to offer.
It begins with a poignant message, which you have.
It develops wings when you add powerful imagery.
(See what we did there?)
It takes flight when you have strengthened your wings and
developed enough belief in your message and contribution
to take the leap and trust the Wind to carry you toward your destiny.
When we partner with messengers to develop their brands, we dig deep into their dream and make sure everything we co-create is not only aligned with that dream, but supports it.
Our team will work with you to develop the visual counterpart of your messaging—logo, website, social media banners, business cards, bookmarks, flyers, PowerPoint presentations, worksheets, and any other design elements—required to capture the attention of your audience online and offline.