"I stand here without fear because I remember that I am here not because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me."
~ Morpheus, The Matrix ~
The Rewrite Cocoon
Rewire Your St*ry Matrix
If you are here, chances are that you feel a little like...
Phil in Groundhog Day…
Why am I stuck in this setting with characters I don’t like?
Why are the same horrible days on REPEAT,
no matter what I do to change them?
Or maybe like Thomas Anderson in The Matrix…
I know there is more to this life than what I am seeing.
I can’t explain it, but I can feel it. I’ve felt it my entire life.
There is something wrong and I have to figure it out.
Maybe you know you’re the Neo in your matrix, but you can’t figure out how to download the right programs, so you can do that really cool move and stop the “bullets” from hitting you again…
We dream of becoming game-changing heroes and heroines
in our homes, offices, communities, and countries.
We’ve acquired and honed unique superpowers to stop the villains
and make the world a better, safer place for all.
We realize we are surrounded by allies and mentors
who would immediately rally to a collective cause.
And yet…
We hesitate. We doubt. We procrastinate.
We say YES when we should say NO,
and NO when we should say YES.
We knock our heads against our desks as we face
the same stupid plot twists and characters over and over.
We wonder if we’ll ever do the things we know we’re here to do.
Why, after all of the personal development and energy work,
are we still facing the same damn STORY MATRIX?
What if you could Rewrite a Story Matrix?

What if you could start that journey today,
with guides who have walked it?
The moments in which our messages revealed themselves were AWE-INSPIRING.
The synchronicities that followed were MAGICAL.
as plot twists led to us to launching message-driven businesses
and eventually writing, publishing, and launching bestselling books
and a full-service publishing house.
Well, EXCEPT for…
The recurring plot twists and villains.
The financial wipe-outs.
The unhinged relationships.
The major health crisis.
Yeah, except for all that.
In 2013, our Oracle made the decision to stop accelerating her dream. She had enough evidence to know that if she continued, she would lose everything important to her.
She picked up the st*ry shovel and started digging with…
- tools and skills she had already acquired over six years in transformational work
- additional superpowers of mentors and allies who showed up along the way
- the epic stories that fell into her lap.
It took her years to uncover the insidious story matrix she was living in.
But it only took her a few months to heal enough of it that she could remove herself from the plotline she’d been GIVEN three decades earlier and begin to write her own story.
Goodbye, villains.
Hello, newer and truer story for her and her family, friends, and eventually clients.
Her storyline improved, her superpowers and fellowship of allies expanded, and her faith in the Co-Author of her story grew in depth and strength.

Once she made it to the end of that hero’s journey, she distilled this process into a st*ry-healing framework elixir that helped her clients shift from the frustrated and overwhelmed Characters of their story to the mindful and intentional Co-Authors of it.
In fact, we’ve seen heroes shift decades-old st*ries in as little as 21 days.
And…We want the same for YOU.
Welcome to…
The Rewrite (Your Story Matrix) Cocoon Program

We invite heroes to play at 1 of 3 levels.
In other words, you choose the time-commitment and the amount of support that feels right to you.
And yes, of course these are Matrix branded, but instead of pills… we speak CHOCOLATE!
As you can see, the DARK program is the most comprehensive. In one year, you will have enough time to dive deep to core st*ries that are recreating the same plot holes in your relationships, health, financial well-being, and even your spiritual connection.
The MILK program will give you enough time away and space to learn the framework, take it home, practice embodying it, and experience immediate coaching and feedback as you face the challenges that always arise when you try to rewire a story matrix that affects other characters in your story.
The WHITE program is going to give you enough of the framework and embodiment that you can begin to shift a story.

What Participants are Saying

Some Details!

Revise Your St*ry Matrix: 3 hours. Via Zoom. Begin to identify the st*ries that are keeping you stuck and learn some strategies to shift them quickly.
21–Day Quest From Character to Co–Author. Videos. Writing Prompts. Reflections. Group Experience via Zoom and CocoonU. Use a powerful, in-our-DNA approach to st*ry-saving that will help you heal/rewire your body, mind, and soul.
90-Day Quest: Write to Right the World. Videos. Writing Prompts. Reflections. Group Experience via Zoom and CocoonU. Unearth and transform the disempowering stories you’ve assimilated that keep you from stepping into your next chapter as you travel with allies through 7 core themes that are vital to becoming a heroic leader.
40-Day Quest From Contract to Consent. Videos. Writing Prompts. Reflections. Group Experience via Zoom and CocoonU. Begin to renegotiate the unconscious contracts keeping you stuck in the roles you no longer want to play.
3–Day YCMTSU Retreat[s]. We use the power of Story, Writing, and Community to uncover and rewrite the st*ries that are holding us back. Imagine a magical slumber party with new besties, an epic feelings corner, and moments that will leave you forever changed.
Saved By Story Club. It’s like a book club, but we will engage and discuss movies, tv shows, and other storytelling media with the intention of uncovering hidden treasures in the stories that will help us co-author better personal and collective stories in a community where we can experience deeper engagement, accountability, and healing.
Monthly Cocoon Sessions. 1 hour. Via Zoom. Group Experience. The months when we don’t meet in a retreat setting, we’ll meet online to celebrate our wins and ask for/receive support to stay the course.
Monthly Innerlight Sessions. 1 hour. Via Zoom. Group Experience. Every month, you’ll be invited to join us for a group Innerlight session. This energy balancing modality helps the nervous system settle and the body digest and reorganize all of the material that is being dissolved. In fewer words, it will help you move faster!
10-minute SOS Calls and Emails. Because it’s not for the faint-hearted. Because you will be clear and excited. And then you’ll be upside-down. And you’ll need a reminder that it’s okay to be where you are, and maybe some support in figuring out the next right step.
Included: Cozy accommodations and delicious food are included for all of the retreats.
Additional Investments: The only additional investment is whatever it takes for you to get to the location or secure a private room.
If The Rewrite (Your Story Matrix) Cocoon Program feels like an answer, schedule some time to chat and make sure this is the best next step for you.
Our intention in those 30 minutes is to help you create a plan that works for YOU.
That might look like us recommending one of these programs to you, but it could also look like us encouraging you to focus on something else in your life before you jump into this experience.
We want you to be ready to make the most of your epic journey.
What Participants are Saying