"It's a dangerous business, going out of your door.
You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet,
there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."

~ Bilbo, The Lord of The Rings ~

The Publishing Portal

Are you sitting on a manuscript (or two or three), or maybe not finishing one,
because you have no idea what comes next?

Do you feel confused every time you research publishing possibilities, uncertain whether you should self-publish, pitch to a traditional publisher, or try one of these new hybrid options you keep hearing about?

You're not alone.

Many of the new authors we meet are feeling stuck and a little sad they don’t know how to get their precious project across the finish line.

So, what IS the magical process that transforms a good manuscript into a beautifully-designed book that makes your ideal readers gasp with enthusiasm when they see it?

With our team’s decades-plus of experience
supporting people through the self- and hybrid-publishing processes,
we know that most new authors with finished manuscripts have no idea they’re only
just past the half-way point of their book development adventure.

Half-way! What?
We know.

We know what it takes to sit one’s butt down consistently and write a whole manuscript despite all the distractions, detours, and dramas that often accompany the process of writing a book. 

We even know all the head trash you probably had to step over to do it.

Is it good enough?
Hasn’t it already been written… and better?

Who am I to think I can do this?

What was I thinking? I’m not a ____…!

The list could go on and on, right?

So before we go on, HIGH-FIVE for making it here.

And don’t worry, you’re in the right place to get prepared for the next part of your journey. 

Welcome To

The Publishing Portal Program

First, we want to help you discover...

the publishing path that’s right for you, your message, and your goals.

And yes we know that means it may not be us.

Regardless of which path you choose, we’ll give you pathways and tips for how to navigate it.

If you haven’t already watched the video about Publishing Possibilities,
click here and we’ll send you the video.

Then, we want to empower...

(and even partner) with you to develop the Content, Capacity, and Confidence you need to move through the process like a freaking hero.

So, let’s talk about what’s involved in the process, or everything that should be (Ahem.) if one wants success without sacrificing their sanity or soul.


We are going to help you see the rest of the adventure ahead, with all of its important pit stops and potential pitfalls, and familiarize you with….
...the four archetypes (beyond Writer) that must be embodied to complete the journey and launch successfully.


You will discover why it’s vital to build a soul-aligned brand alongside your book to maximize your impact and income. We’ll talk about...
...the difference between Author brands and Expert brands, give you some examples, and help you clarify your vision for yours.


We’ll walk you through the initial steps of brand development and provide expert feedback on your ideas, so...
...you are ready to dive into the process and get exactly what you want in messaging and visual design.


Whether you’re just finding out that publishing a book requires setting up a business (We know! It’s the fine print on the “Change the World” contract!), or taking your current business to the next level, we know you’ll find some hidden treasure in this module about…
…why or why not to concern yourself with trademarks, basics around business licenses, a list of professionals to contact, and more to customize your own business container.


In addition to showing you how to integrate your decisions for branding into your book production and launch process...
...we’ll give you a (literal) map of specific steps and our best tips for navigating them throughout the book production and publishing journey.


This is where most new authors start to shrink (or shriek), so we want to help set your mind at ease about this part of the journey.

Our goal is to…
...help you develop a simple but powerful draft of a marketing plan that feels doable and even… dare we say… exciting?

Plus, we’ll show you how to develop some of the key content you’ll need to magnetize readers and turn them into followers.


If new authors don’t shriek at the idea of marketing, a conversation around public relations and increased visibility usually does the trick.

We’re not a public relations firm, but...
...we do understand the game of publicity and will help you prepare yourself for it with ideas for how to approach it in a manner that doesn't make you decide to hide under your desk for the next few years, as well as research tips and templates.


It just keeps getting hotter in here, right?
Sales? Really?

Yes, the truth is that...  
...profit margins on books are never what authors imagine after months and often years of investing blood, sweat, tears, and money into getting a finished product they are eager to put into the world.

That’s why we do our best to help new authors think differently about sales, whether that means expanding their sales scope beyond the books or simply selling in larger quantities.


As you can probably tell, we are not an ordinary publishing house. 

We believe messages are more powerful and effective when an author takes the time to build solid external and internal infrastructures for impact and income. 

That means...  
...a life-changing book, an aligned brand, and systems to support growth, AND the story-saving that ensures the message doesn’t outgrow the character capacity of the messenger. 

We’ve all seen it before, and it ain’t pretty… or necessary.

Several of our partners will share personal shadows that we’ve had to face on the author adventure, and how we’ve navigated them while healing.

Plus, we’ll share how Story itself is a powerful tool to help you do the necessary shadow work.

How We Help You Acquire the

Content, Capacity, and Confidence

to Publish like a Hero

To make the most out of the publishing adventure, regardless of which path you choose, you will need solid Content (synopsis, bios, invitations, etc.), new Capacities (branding, design, marketing, sales, public relations, etc.), and Confidence in yourself and your message.

That’s where we come in!

You will be invited to join us on an online learning platform called CocoonU for 60 days where you will have access to the following:


We’ll cover the topics listed above (and more) and provide guidance and reflection points to ensure your comprehension of all the new information. The goal is to give you what you need to get prepared, not for you to develop master-level knowledge.


These will help you capture and clarify ideas as you develop your content, which you can bring to coaching sessions for more refinement.

Community Connection, Support & Networking

This is a great place to begin developing a community of allies to help you make the right connections and make your publishing adventure more fun and successful.

Group Coaching

Sessions with other authors will give you the opportunity to ask questions, see what other authors are doing, and refine your ideas even further before you meet with an SBS team member.

Individual Sessions

For an additional investment, you’ll send your worksheets to the SBS team member and spend 30 minutes with them “getting it right” before you move on to the next module.

In other words, by the end of this program,
you will be ready to:

choose the right publishing path for yourself 

publish your manuscript on your own terms because you’ll have a clear vision to present for everything content- and design-related 

develop a brand (messaging and design) that is aligned with your soul purpose and creates the potential to expand your impact and income 

tap a community of allies for support in getting your message out once your brand and book are ready to fly 

move through the last half of your book adventure with more clarity, velocity, ease, and confidence

Package 1

8 Group Coaching Sessions

Investment: $1750

Package 2


8 Individual Sessions
Expert Content Refinement

Investment: $2500

Are we the right fit for your story
and journey to saving the world with it?

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