Theddee Rheyshelle

Founder of Tales for the Hungry Heart, Theddee Rheyshelle is a songwriter and storyteller, serving up Tasty Tidbits, Nutritious Nuggets, and Hearty Helpings of Truth, Hope, and Love for children, the child within, and grown-up kids.
Theddee Rheyshelle lived in constant emotional pain until her ever-hungry heart discovered that her suffering was simply an injured part of herself crying out for healing and that she had the power to set herself free. At nearly forty years of age, she embarked on the journey of healing her life by learning to be still and know Truth, ultimately returning her heart to Love one Upset at a time. After years of setting herself free and helping others as a pastor and life coach, she became conscious of the horrific trauma she had experienced at the tender age of four. Theddee began the difficult, yet rewarding task of reparenting herself by writing stories and songs for Little One, her inner child. Their healing journey together is proof that it is never too late to give our younger me everything it needs to become all we are meant to be.