"It's not the chocolate that matters. It's the people you share it with.”

~ Wonka ~

CocoonU Community

If you’re not ready to dive into a big program,
you can still join the community and experience some of the magic that unfolds here.

You’ll likely find a guide, allies, or even potential collaborators
as you preview new content before it reaches the world—
content delivered by our clients who are preparing to launch.

It’s hard to say whether caterpillars know they are meant for more.

But you know you are… don’t you?

That’s why you are here.
Maybe it was a whisper on the wind.

Perhaps it was a powerful question that unlocked potential.

You may have had a vision of “More You” completely revolutionizing
your life, your community, your industry, your world.

It might have been a painful existential, relational, health, or financial crisis
that brought you to your knees and demanded your spirit to rise up and realize it.

However it happened, the message was clear:
You are meant for more.

If you’re like most of our caterpillar allies, you probably hustled into action—
devouring information and acquiring skills and tools
that would help you become the MORE you know you are meant to be.

I bet you even experienced what you would be hard-pressed
to call something other than magic or miracles.
They were at least synchronicities, yes?

Everything seemed to be affirming and aligning with the message:
You are meant for more.

But then something happened… didn’t it?
It got hard. You started to go upside-down.
Maybe there was another existential, relational, health, or financial crisis.
Perhaps your best efforts turned into absolutely nothing.

Caterpillars know what to do when Life says it’s time to go Upside-Down.
They relax into a wild trust fall, and they wrap themselves up in a Cocoon.
But us?
Oh no. We resist that sh*t like there will be no tomorrow.

Until, that is, some butterfly floats along and says,
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay. You just need to relax and build a cocoon—
a safe place where you can dissolve all those old st*ries and become MORE.”

Welcome to CocoonU


After almost two decades of supporting messengers, creatives, coaches, and entrepreneurs in various ways (one-on-one and small cohorts, live and virtual retreats, etc.), we can tell you that those who have experienced the deepest healing and transformation AND the most incredible opportunities to be the change in their world (and get paid to be it) were the ones who did the work inside of this cocoon-munity.

That’s why we created CocoonU!

We wanted this to be a safe online space where people devoted to becoming true to intention—who they are here to be, doing what they are here to do—could do the trust falls of transformation. They could feel safe enough to be their messy magical selves while they learn how to build their own cocoons, dissolve their st*ries, reintegrate all that content into something beautiful and powerful, strengthen their wings, and take flight.

When we struggle to complete projects and move businesses forward, it’s either because we are missing a tool or skill and/or there is an old st*ry that needs to be healed before we will allow ourselves to put the project or offering into the world.

Tools and skills are more quickly and easily acquired with the support of a guide (partner, mentor, coach) and in practice alongside allies; and the same is true with st*ry-saving.

In this space, we write truer individual and collective stories quickly (and deeply) because we are working intentionally with others to bring our WHOLE SELF to the process.

If you know you are meant for more, but…
have been feeling lost or lonely on the journey…
know you need a guide or more skills, tools, or allies…
don’t want to lose any more unnecessary time, money, or sanity…

Cozy up in the Cocoon with us!

Try it for 30 Days for

Bring Story to Life for Those You Love

Writing Days (Weekly)

Co-working sessions with allies will move your project forward!

Value: $50

Portals (Monthly)

Mini-workshops will launch you into new possibilities for your messaging, st*ry-saving, and more!

Value: $50

Community Play (Monthly)

Game nights will make it fun for loved ones to join you on the creative journey!

Value: $20 Priceless

Group Innerlight Sessions (Monthly)

Energy balancing sessions will help you release old st*ries and create pathways for new ones to be written on all levels.

Value: $50

Story-focused and Chocolate-filled Discussions

These will accelerate your st*ry-healing and increase your wonder.

Value: $50

Discounts on Other Quests, Retreats, and Services

If you want to dive deeper, discounts will make it more doable.

Value: $50 - $1,250

Total Potential Value: $220/monthly - $1470/discounts

Regular Monthly Investment: $29

Are we the right fit for your story
and journey to saving the world with it?

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